What is Periodontal Disease?
April 25, 2019
Dr. Levin Speaks in Tel Aviv, Israel
May 16, 2019The Association of Dental Implantology (ADI) is a registered charity dedicated to providing the profession with continuing implant education and the public with a greater understanding of the benefits of dental implants. Dr. Levin recently gave a speech at the ADI Team Congress 2019 Conference at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre (EICC) in Edinburgh, Scotland!
From Dr. Levin:
“Could not have enjoyed myself more in Edinburgh, Scotland! Thank you to the ADI for the extraordinary hospitality and support. To my close friend and co-collaborator Stephen Jacobs, our friendship has made us co-investigators and your invitation to present to the ADI was greatly appreciated. It was an honor to be part of this world-class program. It’s always a pleasure to share Dermal Apron and Co-Axis along with my research pertaining to implant stability. Thank you, Joe Kan, for doing a masterful job moderating a stimulating session with 3 strongly opinionated “gentlemen “. We had a few Whiskeys (Thank You Southern Implants for the amazing dinner and whiskey tasting!). Some great conversations and made some new friends and colleagues! Now back to the office!”